It seems to happen to me regularly. I try to do something simple, something I've done before and my laptop just won't do it. I've spent 3 days trying to back up my photos onto discs and every time I think I've got it.....ohh blank disc. What is the problem here? I've followed the directions, asked for "help" but to no avail. I just can't seem to get the job done. So now I must call in real help. My poor nephew, he truly knows how challenged I am. He always gets the call. I usually make him write the directions out, that way the next time I have it handy and can skip the screaming at the computer step. I will just pray my hard drive doesn't crash before I get this done. My niece just lost everything when this happened to her. She's only 12 so I was not as devastating to her as it would be to me. You hear these horror stories all the time. Let me tell you it happens, back up your photos.
I'm off to clean the house.Patsy is coming in 2 days. She'd flip if she saw the dinning room table.
These are the beautiful flowers Missy sent me for mothers day. They came as buds and have opened fully in the last couple days. I really couldn't ask for a better adopted daughter. Thanks Me'me I love you.